



定价: ¥39.8


动画卷-疯了!桂宝-超级冷漫画-18 版权:

条形码:9787505740426 ; 978-7-5057-4042-6

动画卷-疯了!桂宝-超级冷漫画-18 特点:

哇哦!《疯了!桂宝.18,动画卷》火热上市啦! 本季包含了10组长篇故事 三公主连载 爆笑四格的豪华阵容,历史悠久的意大利除了美食美景,还有一个巨大的不为人知的秘密,在一片粉红悸动中,桂宝和神秘女孩会拥有怎样的永恒之城传奇之旅呢?为做作业伤透脑筋的阿芹借来了桂宝的发明,你想知道发生了怎样疯狂的故事吗?被夸奖得心慌慌是一种什么样的体验?桂宝小红花带你领略别样赞美。美食界令人流口水的世纪大辩论来了!看完不馋不笑就算我输。风靡校园的三公主热情连载中。想知道桂宝世界的象棋怎么玩吗?快来一起看看吧!

wow “Crazy! Guibao. 18, animation volume” is hot on the market! This season includes a luxury lineup of 10 stories, three princesses and four gags. In addition to the delicious scenery of Italy with a long history, there is also a huge unknown secret. In the throb of pink, what kind of legendary journey of eternal city will Guibao and mysterious girl have? Ah Qin, who was struggling with her homework, borrowed Guibao’s * invention. Do you want to know what crazy story happened? What kind of experience is it to be flustered by praise? Guibao little safflower takes you to appreciate different compliments. The mouth watering century debate in the food industry is coming! If I don’t laugh after reading it, even if I lose. The three princesses who are popular on campus are in a passionate serial. Want to know how to play chess in Guibao world? Come and have a look!

动画卷-疯了!桂宝-超级冷漫画-18 简介:



4,第18季敬赠“桂宝动画TV先行版海报”,非常珍贵哦。 桂宝和神秘女孩浪漫又刺激的罗马假日大冒险!!! 神奇作业帽子,只要戴上,就会发生不可思议的事情! 你大概不知道时刻被人夸奖是什么感受吧?给你一朵小红花好好感受下! 世界上没有后悔药,那么有吃了就能不害怕的糖吗? 还有傲娇的睡美人、黏人的霾怪、吵翻天的南北美食和宇宙超神的女汉子三公主, 等你来看哦! 开心阳光之桂宝漫画第18季! 连续八年荣登漫画销售榜第1名! 10组爆笑长篇超豪华内容! 1,第18季动画卷中,智慧担当桂宝和气氛担当阿芹在意大利邂逅美丽的少女,一段传奇冒险出人意料;受同学们欢迎的作业神器闹出了一连串幺蛾子;美食界吵吵闹闹,食品们的奇葩辩论令人喷饭,刷新你已有的美食概念;著名童话《睡美人》在桂宝的倾力演绎下已经歪楼;在遥远的太空深处,桂宝船长遭遇霾这个磨人的小妖精;阿桂哥整理秘技大公开!还有《你好!三公主》的爆笑连载,在幽默跳脱中尽情享受桂宝漫画带来的开心快乐吧! 2,桂宝3D动画片及《疯了!桂宝》大电影2正在筹备中,即将与观众见面啦。 3,作者阿桂再度获得年度漫画家金奖,桂宝形象IP估值突破4亿人民币。 4,第18季敬赠“桂宝动画TV先行版海报”,非常珍贵哦。 5,桂宝全国巡回签售会已覆盖全国40余城市,参与人数高达20万。2017年桂宝校园行拉开帷幕,首站内蒙古8000人参与见面,一万多册书籍签售成功。 

Guibao and mysterious girl romantic and exciting Roman holiday adventure!!!
Magic homework hat, as long as you wear it, incredible things will happen!
You probably don’t know how it feels to be praised all the time? Give you a little red flower and feel it!
There is no regret medicine in the world, so is there any sugar that you can eat without fear?
There are also proud sleeping beauty, sticky haze monster, noisy North-South food and the three princesses of the super God of the universe,
Wait for you to see!
Happy sunshine Guibao cartoon season 18!
Ranked No. 1 in comic sales list for eight consecutive years!
10 groups of hilarious long super luxury content!

  1. In the animation volume of season 18, GUI Bao, the person of wisdom, and ah Qin, the person of atmosphere, met a beautiful girl in Italy, which was a legendary adventure and unexpected* The popular homework artifact made a series of moths; The food industry is noisy, and the wonderful debate of the food is delicious, * refresh your existing food concept; The famous fairy tale sleeping beauty has been crooked under GUI Bao’s interpretation; In the distant depths of space, Captain Guibao encountered haze, a grinding goblin; Agui’s Secret skills are open! And the hilarious serial of “Hello! Three princesses”, enjoy the happiness brought by Guibao comics in the humorous jump!
  2. Guibao 3D cartoon and the big movie “crazy! Guibao” are under preparation and will meet the audience soon.
  3. Author a GUI won the annual cartoonist gold award again, and the IP valuation of Guibao image exceeded 400 million yuan.
  4. In the 18th season, “Guibao animation TV advance POSTER” is very precious. Guibao and mysterious girl romantic and exciting Roman holiday adventure!!! Magic homework hat, as long as you wear it, incredible things will happen! You probably don’t know how it feels to be praised all the time? Give you a little red flower and feel it! There is no regret medicine in the world, so is there any sugar that you can eat without fear? There are also proud sleeping beauty, sticky haze monster, noisy North-South food and the three princesses of the super God of the universe, waiting for you to see! Happy sunshine Guibao cartoon season 18! Ranked No. 1 in comic sales list for eight consecutive years! 10 groups of hilarious long super luxury content! 1. In the animation volume of season 18, GUI Bao, the person of wisdom, and ah Qin, the person of atmosphere, met a beautiful girl in Italy, which was a legendary adventure and unexpected* The popular homework artifact made a series of moths; The food industry is noisy, and the wonderful debate of the food is delicious, * refresh your existing food concept; The famous fairy tale sleeping beauty has been crooked under GUI Bao’s interpretation; In the distant depths of space, Captain Guibao encountered haze, a grinding goblin; Agui’s Secret skills are open! And the hilarious serial of “Hello! Three princesses”, enjoy the happiness brought by Guibao comics in the humorous jump! 2. Guibao 3D cartoon and the big movie “crazy! Guibao” are under preparation and will meet the audience soon. 3. Author a GUI won the annual cartoonist gold award again, and the IP valuation of Guibao image exceeded 400 million yuan. 4. In the 18th season, “Guibao animation TV advance POSTER” is very precious. 5. Guibao national tour signing meeting has covered more than 40 cities across the country, with 200000 participants. In 2017, Guibao campus tour kicked off, 8000 people participated in the first stop in Inner Mongolia, and more than 10000 books were successfully signed for sale.  

动画卷-疯了!桂宝-超级冷漫画-18 目录:

001 第18本开始 002 招财进桂宝 003 桂宝大冒险之永恒之城传奇1 020 宝语录之开始 021 桂宝大冒险之永恒之城传奇2 039 北极五冷侠 040 表情仔之写作业 041 万能语 042 冷知识之桂冠 043 宝谜语之猫牛鸡 044 随便奇谈 045 宝发明之超级作业帽传奇 058 宝冷知识之作业 059 宝冷谜语之线 060 补品奇谈 061 猫的相亲 062 害怕咚之作业! 063 宝童话之睡美人奇谈 076 宝语录之清 077 睡不好 078 宝谜语之动作题 079 拍照奇谈 080 你知道吗之睡神 081 超级天才级画谜1 082 丑狗狗之心里的狗 083 宝发明之不怕糖传奇 096 M的谜语 097 宝故事迷之点化1 098 害怕论 099 玩手机奇谈 100 有我在 101 桂宝奇遇记之小卒传说 114 宝语录之安排 115 心理所之考拉 116 神奇的树 117 动物玩手机2 118 美食秘史 119 宝故事迷之点化2 120 丑狗狗之人与狗 121 宝银河漫游之彩云星传奇 134 维C之王 135 萝卜相亲 136 婚谱 137 桂皮大表哥之学习 138 多么疼的领悟 139 宝发明之超级小红花 152 正坐冥想秘笈 153 朋友圈的秘密 154 考试的由来 155 蛋的相亲 156 胖的原因 157 超级天才级画谜2 158 丑狗狗之想 159 桂宝群英会之天下论食 172 蛋的故事1 173 蛋的故事2 174 手画笑谜 175 理想宝格 176 宝语录之接纳 177 第六话 原来是你! 188 三公主广告 189 宝神探之白菜王密保奇案·引子 192 阿桂漫日记 196 桂圆桂花大画廊 199 疯了,疯了,桂宝!开心之宝! 200 花絮

动画卷-疯了!桂宝-超级冷漫画-18 作者:


A GUI (GUI Huazheng), a famous young cartoonist and animator in China, graduated from Lu Xun Academy of fine arts with a master’s degree; The works have been broadcast in CCTV news channel, CCTV literature and art channel, CCTV film channel, Beijing literature and art channel, cetv3, btv8, Kaku animation satellite TV, Shanghai Xuandong cartoon satellite TV, Southeast satellite TV, North Satellite TV, and other TV media; Tencent’s official animation blog has billion hits, ranking first in China’s animation blog; “Crazy! Guibao” is a four box comic book series, ranking first in the best-selling list of Xinhua comic books in China; “Crazy! Guibao” four grid comic series, won the first China Animation Golden Book Award * humorous Comic Award; Xu Jinglei invited anime author of Kaila magazine; Animation and cartoon works were selected into the first China Animation Art Exhibition of the Ministry of culture at the same time; Special guest of the 3rd China International University Animation Festival; Special guest of the second Shanghai Tudou Film Festival; The first China Animation Golden Book Award * humorous cartoon Award; Excellent paper award of the first China International Animation Festival Digital Media Art High Level Forum; The second China Digital Art Professional Committee award * video short film award; The 3rd Shanghai international computer graphics CG competition * video short film award; The 4th Shanghai international computer graphics CG competition * 2D Animation Award; The first Shanghai Tudou Film Festival * Animation Award; The 3rd golden flash animation annual festival * animation director award; Excellent animation award of the first CCTV original animation competition; The works are included in the excellent works collection of Cartoon Art Committee of China Television Association; Professional Flash animation websites flash bar and flash Empire include all animation works, and portal animation websites such as Tencent, Tom, Sina, Netease and Sohu include all animation works, and special albums are set up.
