作者:[美]罗娜·雷纳 著,钟煜 译
定价: ¥32.8
![不吼不叫:如何平静地让孩子与父母合作([美]罗娜·雷纳 著,钟煜 译)-什么书值得看好书推荐 不吼不叫:如何平静地让孩子与父母合作([美]罗娜·雷纳 著,钟煜 译)-什么书值得看好书推荐](http://image12.bookschina.com/2016/20160603/7126806.jpg)
不吼不叫:如何平静地让孩子与父母合作 版权:
条形码:9787552010817 ; 978-7-5520-1081-7
不吼不叫:如何平静地让孩子与父母合作 特点:
Understand the deep factors of yelling;
Provide powerful tools that don’t roar or shout.
You can really learn to stop yelling at children!
Based on temperament research and mindfulness theory, this book provides you with powerful skills to reduce family conflict and promote cooperation, respect and mutual understanding. You will also learn some strategies to help you manage your stress when depression peaks; Master practical solutions to help you regain your composure and communicate effectively with children with compassion in a way that benefits both adults and children.
The author believes that there are many reasons why we roar. We must clarify one by one and find our own roaring reasons. These reasons may include: external triggers, such as children’s complaints; Internal triggers, such as personal anxiety, disappointment, fear, etc., and physical health reasons, such as lack of sleep; Family inheritance, I was yelled by my parents; The difference in temperament between parents and children… Every reason will pose a negative challenge to our relationship with children.
Many parents may know that they should not roar and have the idea of correcting, but they fall short because they can’t do anything. For various reasons, the author puts forward many strategies and tools for not yelling: understand yourself and sympathize with yourself. You are not the one yelling, so you don’t have to worry about it; Watch yourself, when and where you * may roar; Understand the differences in temperament between yourself and your child; Establish a follow-up roar form to record the event situation, your response, follow-up development, post evaluation, etc; A-b-c-d-e rules for stopping roaring: ask yourself, breathe, calm yourself, decide what your child needs, and emphasize; The 4C method of discipline: communication, choices, sequences and connection; There are also timers, family meetings, daily routines, tables and calendars. Each tool has rich connotation, has strong operability, and is an effective method verified repeatedly.
不吼不叫:如何平静地让孩子与父母合作 简介:
The author has nearly 50 years of professional experience and profound and effective solutions
Really help parents stop useless and hurtful yelling and establish a comprehensive cooperative relationship with their children
“Finally, there is a profound and practical book that does not humiliate people or try to preach.” - Dr. shashana Bennett, clinical psychologist and expert in parental depression
Being a parent is a hard job! Not to mention that your children are not obedient to even some small things - they are not willing to pick up toys, take a bath, or even get on the bus to school - these are easy to make people angry and shout involuntarily. They often say something that makes them regret and depressed, hurt the children, and make themselves feel frustrated.
If you are also a parent who is prone to overreaction, you must try to change, but there is no way to change. Fortunately, by summarizing her nearly 50 years of professional parenting experience and using the temperament theory, Rona Reina tells us that you really don’t need to yell. You can also find gentle and effective ways to let children cooperate.
This book tells you:
● why parents yell and why they want to change.
● how does yelling affect children and adults.
● what factors gradually accumulate in daily life * eventually lead us to yell and shout.
● how to identify the hidden factors that cause roaring.
● how does your personality and your child’s personality affect “roaring”.
● why do you want to stop yelling.
● how to reduce yelling - from now on.
不吼不叫:如何平静地让孩子与父母合作 目录:
目录 序言:我为什么会对孩子吼叫? 前言 你不是一个人在战斗 你可以学会停止向孩子大吼大叫 重新开始永远都不晚 *部分 理解吼叫 第1章 “是我在大吼大叫吗?” ——学会了解自己 如何知道自己在吼叫(或是没有吼叫) 吼叫可曾有用? 吼叫如何影响孩子 感受吼叫对孩子的影响 做一个“足够好”的父母 但是我想现在就减少吼叫! 第2章 我为什么吼叫? ——理解促发吼叫的日常因素 那些容易让你发脾气的日常因素 当吼叫变成习惯 了解自己 你的孩子看到了什么? 准备战斗,还是逃跑? 第3章 “为什么是我在吼叫?” ——看到更深层的原因 吼叫代代相传 迁怒于人:我到底是在朝谁发火? 当吼叫和愤怒导致虐待 发现藏在愤怒之下的感受 你的健康状况如何? 羞愧 第4章 气质会带来什么影响? ——让你的养育方式适应孩子的天性 透过气质的角度观察 发现和接纳个体差异 你的孩子和你的气质的协调 由气质引发的较量 第二部分 减少吼叫的日常策略 第5章 “吼叫这么容易就出口……我真能停下来吗?” ——观察和收集数据,为成功做准备 追踪你的吼叫 追踪风暴,找到它因何而起 自我同情 第6章 “除了吼叫,我还能做什么?” ——逐步调整,慢慢改善 另眼看待管教 如何练习a-b-c-d-e法则 管教的4c法则 要理智也要尊重 第7章 “救命,又一波风暴即将来袭!” ——保持平静,休整,规划路线 用道歉修复过往 积极主动减少吼叫 丰富多样的“不吼不叫策略” 第三部分 特殊情况 第8章 “救命!吼叫的人不是我” ——处理家里其他人吼叫的情况 “我的配偶认为吼叫很正常” “爷爷朝我的孩子吼叫” “我的亲戚们觉得我女儿是个讨厌鬼” “我伴侣的吼叫像是虐待” 压垮骆驼的后一根稻草 寻求帮助 第9章 “生活有那么多难题,我怎么能做到停止吼叫?” ——解决困境、混乱与差异 面对离婚和分居 单亲家庭的挑战 养父母或者负责照顾孩子的亲戚的艰难工作 养育有残疾、发育迟缓的孩子或者特殊儿童 注意力缺失/多动症 情绪失调和精神疾病 寻求专业帮助 后记 世界和平始于家庭 致谢 附录1 冥想 附录2 补充阅读材料 附录3 原书参考文献
不吼不叫:如何平静地让孩子与父母合作 作者:
Rona Renner (RN), who graduated from the nursing school of Brooklyn College in 1966, has devoted herself to helping families solve problems and reduce pain. Her main experiences include: working in multiple hospitals in New York and California and participating in multiple mental health projects; Training women for childbirth in Zaire, Africa (today’s Democratic Republic of the Congo); Help start a learning disability project in Pune, India; The Kaiser medical institution in Southern California provides parental education and counseling on ADHD and temperament. Reina is the founder of “childhood matters” and “Nuestros NIOS” parents’ hotline. She has hosted the “childhood matters” radio show for ten years. She has a group of the best teachers herself. They are his four children, two grandchildren and her husband Mick. She lives in Berkeley, California. For more information, please visit nurserona.com.