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小学生日常对话英语听力:林克妈妈的听力直通车:升级版:1 版权:

条形码:9787556415243 ; 978-7-5564-1524-3

小学生日常对话英语听力:林克妈妈的听力直通车:升级版:1 特点:

有感于传统少儿英语教学与日常生活脱节导致“学非所用”“学不能致用”的缺陷,林克妈妈根据陪女儿学英语的亲身体验,从日常生活中选取八大主题(起床、穿衣、洗漱、吃饭、写作业、整理书包、洗澡、睡前)、63个生活场景、189组实用对话、584个典型句子,让孩子从早到晚滔滔不绝说英语,迅速摆脱“哑巴英语”,同时有效解决中国孩子英语学习的三大难题——词汇、语法、应试。本书不仅仅是听力教材,还是一本母女家庭生活的原生态集锦,凝聚了林克妈妈对女儿、对英语教育的热爱。  林克妈妈私家少儿英语教材系列 《英文三字经:林克妈妈的少儿英语学习法升级版》 《背单词用火车皮:林克妈妈的自然拼音升级版》 《小学生英文幽默故事:林克妈妈的自然拼音快乐读本升级版》 《小学生日常对话英语听力:林克妈妈的听力直通车①》(升级版) 《小学生日常对话英语听力:林克妈妈的听力直通车②》(升级版) 《我陪女儿学英语:林克妈妈的亲子英语培养手记》(升级版)

Feeling that the traditional children’s English teaching is divorced from daily life, resulting in the defects of “learning is not useful” and “learning can not be used”, mother link selects eight themes from daily life (getting up, dressing, washing, eating, homework, sorting schoolbags, bathing and before going to bed), 63 life scenes, 189 groups of practical dialogues and 584 typical sentences according to her personal experience of learning English with her daughter, Let children talk English from morning to night, quickly get rid of “dumb English”, and effectively solve the three difficult problems of Chinese children’s English Learning - vocabulary, grammar and examination. This book is not only a listening textbook, but also a collection of the original ecology of mother and daughter’s family life, which condenses mother link’s love for her daughter and English education. Link mother’s private children’s English textbook series “English three Character Classic: link mother’s upgraded version of children’s English learning method”, “fire wagon for memorizing words: link mother’s upgraded version of natural pinyin”, “English humor story for primary school students: link mother’s upgraded version of natural Pinyin happy reader”, “English listening for primary school students’ daily dialogue: link mother’s listening through train ①” (upgraded version) English listening of primary school students’ daily dialogue: link’s mother’s listening through train ② (upgraded version) I learn English with my daughter: Notes on link’s mother’s parent-child English training (upgraded version)

小学生日常对话英语听力:林克妈妈的听力直通车:升级版:1 简介:

超生活化、超有效英语听力教材听完就会说、瞬间告别“哑巴英语” 魔力句、加分句、家庭剧场,像学母语那样轻松学英语8个主题→63个生活场景→189组实用对话→584个典型句子有效解决中国孩子英语学习的三大难题——词汇、语法、应试

Super life oriented and super effective English listening teaching materials will say after listening, say goodbye to the magic sentences, bonus sentences and family theater of “dumb English” in an instant, and learn English as easily as your mother tongue → 8 themes → 63 life scenes → 189 groups of practical dialogues → 584 typical sentences, which can effectively solve the three difficult problems of Chinese children’s English Learning - vocabulary, grammar and examination

小学生日常对话英语听力:林克妈妈的听力直通车:升级版:1 目录:

场景一 叫醒:宝贝快快起………………………………………………020 Wake up, sleepyhead. 起床了,小懒虫。 场景二 闹钟响:催我早早起……………………………………………022 The alarm clock went off. 闹钟响了。 场景三 醒来后:昨晚睡得是否香………………………………………024 I slept like a baby. 我睡得可香啦。 场景四 起床后:催促孩子别磨蹭………………………………………026 Hurry up. Time is running out. 别磨蹭,没时间了。 场景五 穿衣:忙乱之中别穿错…………………………………………030 You are wearing it inside out!你里外穿反啦! 场景六 梳头:打扮漂亮人人爱…………………………………………032 I want pigtails, not a ponytail. 我想扎辫子,不要马尾辫。 场景七 吃早饭:吃好早饭身体棒………………………………………034 Don’t skip breakfast. 不要不吃早饭哟。 场景八 出门前:检查是否落东西………………………………………036 Where is my red scarf? 我的红领巾呢? 场景九 出门:书包尽量自己背…………………………………………038 I can carry the school bag by myself. 我可以自己背书包。 相关链接 早起的鸟儿有虫吃………………………………………040 话题二 穿衣:穿戴与搭配 I wear a school uniform on Mondays. 星期一我穿校服。 场景一 今天穿什么:看天气穿衣………………………………………044 It’s too cold for short sleeves today. 今天穿短袖太冷了。 场景二 上学穿什么:宽松舒适的服装…………………………………046 We can’t wear jeans to P. E. class. 我们不能穿牛仔裤去上体育课。 场景三 穿校服:有利有弊………………………………………………050 We don’t have to choose what to wear every day. 我们不必每天选择穿什么。 场景四 如何穿着:注意搭配合体………………………………………052 Does this skirt go with this shirt? 这裙子和衬衫搭配吗? 场景五 评价穿戴:颜色款式要合适……………………………………054 Do I look good in red? 我穿红颜色好看吗? 场景六 忙乱穿衣:匆忙之中总出错……………………………………056 I got the buttons wrong. 我把扣子扣错了。 场景七 出门前:穿戴整齐再出门………………………………………058 Can I go out in pajamas? 我能穿睡衣出去吗? 相关链接 不要输掉衬衣……………………………………………060 话题三 洗漱:刷牙和洗手 How can I keep my teeth healthy? 我怎样才能保持牙齿健康呢? 场景一 牙具:牙膏和牙刷………………………………………………064 I don’t like the flavor of this toothpaste. 我不喜欢这种牙膏的味道。 场景二 及时刷牙:保持口腔清洁………………………………………066 Brush your teeth every night before bedtime. 每晚睡前刷牙。 场景三 挤牙膏:节约牙膏………………………………………………068 Don’t use too much toothpaste. 别用太多牙膏。 场景四 刷牙时:注意正确方法…………………………………………070 Don’t brush too hard. 别刷得太用力了。 场景五 刷牙之后:口腔变清新…………………………………………072 Open your mouth and let me smell. 张开嘴巴,让我闻一闻。 场景六 及时洗手:细菌无处不在………………………………………076 Wash your hands after playing outside. 从外面玩回来要洗手哦。 场景七 洗手用品:肥皂和洗手液………………………………………078 We are out of liquid soap. 洗手液用完了。 场景八 洗完手:擦干手后抹点霜………………………………………080 Don’t dry your hands on your pants. 别在裤子上擦手。 相关链接 美国人的牙齿为什么整齐洁白?………………………082 话题四 吃饭:用餐和礼仪 This is dinner time, not lecture time. 这是晚饭时间,不是批评人的时候。 场景一 饥饿:饥肠辘辘快开饭…………………………………………086 I could eat a horse. 我快饿死了。 场景二 不想吃:肚子不饿没胃口………………………………………088 I don’t feel like eating anything. 我什么也不想吃。 场景三 吃什么:有啥吃啥,不挑食……………………………………090 Don’t be picky. 别挑食。 场景四 在厨房:熟悉厨房家务事………………………………………092 Put garlic and ginger in the dishes. 在菜里放大蒜和生姜。 场景五 饭前:快帮妈妈摆餐桌…………………………………………094 Can I set the table for you? 我可以帮你摆一下餐桌吗? 场景六 餐桌上:爸妈厨艺我来评………………………………………098 This dish doesn’t have any flavor. 这道菜没味道。 场景七 吃饱:不要眼大肚子小…………………………………………100 No more rice. I’m full. 不再要米饭了,我吃饱了。 场景八 饭后:帮妈妈收拾好餐桌………………………………………102 Put the leftovers in the fridge. 把剩菜剩饭放到冰箱里。 场景九 外出吃饭:剩菜剩饭要打包……………………………………104 We’d better ask for a to-go box. 我们*好打个包。 场景十 用餐礼仪:文明用餐要牢记……………………………………106 It’s bad to waste food. 浪费粮食不好。 相关链接 “喝汤” 为什么是eat soup,不是drink soup?………108 话题五 作业:家庭作业要减负 Too much homework. I can’t stand it. 作业太多,我无法忍受了。 场景一 放学后:回家即写作业……………………………………………112 Do your homework as soon as you get home. 放学一回家就写作业。 场景二 作业量:减负减负,越减越重……………………………………114 Look at my homework journal. 看看我的记事本吧。 场景三 做作业:注意劳逸结合……………………………………………118 Give me a ten-minute break. 让我休息十分钟吧。 场景四 语文作业:日记日记真头疼………………………………………120 I hate diaries. Nothing to write about. 我讨厌日记,没什么可写的。 场景五 数学作业:认真思考别出错………………………………………122 I can’t work out this math problem. 这道数学题我不会做。 场景六 英语作业:单词拼写总出错………………………………………124 My spelling is terrible. 我的拼写差极了。 场景七 家长辅导:适可而止………………………………………………126 May I have your attention? 你能专心听我讲吗? 场景八 作业出错:多鼓励,少斥责………………………………………128 I made a mistake again. 我又出了个错。 场景九 检查作业:夸奖之后要签字………………………………………130 Please sign my homework journal. 请在我的记事本上签个字。 相关链接 英美国家也有“课外托管班”……………………………132 话题六 整理书包:让书包“瘦身” Take out unnecessary things. 把不需要的东西拿出来。 场景一 何时整理:睡前整理好书包………………………………………136 Pack your school bag before going to bed. 睡觉前要整理好书包。 场景二 如何整理:让书包整齐有序……………………………………138 Put things back in the same place. 把东西放回原位。 场景三 书包“减肥”:办法多多………………………………………140 Check your schedule and take out unnecessary stuff. 对照课程表,把不需要的拿出来。 场景四 非学习用品:如何放置…………………………………………142 There isn’t enough room for my water bottle. 我的水瓶放不下了。 场景五 设定时限:整理书包别磨蹭……………………………………146 You are too slow in packing your school bag. 你整理书包太磨蹭了。 场景六 铅笔盒:保持干净整洁…………………………………………148 Your pencil case is really a mess. 你的铅笔盒太乱了。 相关链接 电子课本,离我们还有多远?…………………………150 话题七 清洁身体:洗澡和洗头 Take care not to get shampoo in your eyes. 小心别让洗发水进眼睛哟。 场景一 洗澡前:准备工作要做好………………………………………154 Do you want to take a shower or a bath? 你想淋浴还是盆浴? 场景二 浴室里:妈妈帮我来洗澡………………………………………158 Let me wash behind your ears, armpits… 我来洗洗你的耳背、胳肢窝…… 场景三 浴室里:洗个快乐的澡…………………………………………160 Don’t wash my armpits. They are ticklish. 别洗我的胳肢窝,那里痒痒。 场景四 自己洗澡:别让洗发水进眼睛…………………………………162 Mom, I want to take a bath by myself. 妈妈,我想自己洗澡。 场景五 洗完澡:干净又舒服……………………………………………164 I’m done. I’m clean all over. 我洗完了,全身干干净净的。 场景六 洗头:头发有味儿快快洗………………………………………166 I don’t like shampoo. It gets in my eyes. 我不喜欢洗发水,它会进我眼睛。 场景七 皮肤清洗剂:肥皂和液体肥皂……………………………………168 Mom, we are out of liquid bath soap. 妈妈,沐浴液用完了。 相关链接 take a bath 和 take a shower有什么不同?………………170 话题八 睡前:睡前准备要做好 Mom, can you read me a bedtime story? 妈妈,能给我读一个睡前故事吗? 场景一 催促:宝贝快点睡…………………………………………………174 It’s almost nine. Time for bed. 快9点了,该睡觉了。 场景二 就寝前:睡前做好几件事…………………………………………176 Go to the bathroom before you go to bed. 上床前去趟卫生间吧。 场景三 提醒叫早:明早及时叫醒我………………………………………178 Be sure to wake me up at 6:30. 6:30一定叫我起床哟。 场景四 躺在床上:塞好被子关掉灯………………………………………180 Can I sleep with the light on? 我可以开着灯睡吗? 场景五 妈妈的吻:亲亲晚安………………………………………………182 Mom, kiss me good night. 妈妈,给我一个晚安的亲亲吧。 场景六 睡不着:担心害怕难入睡…………………………………………186 What is keeping you up? 什么事让你睡不着? 场景七 家人睡觉:轻声别打搅……………………………………………188 Turn down the TV. Your dad is sleeping. 把电视音量开小点,爸爸在睡觉呢。 相关链接 “熬夜”“睡懒觉”用英语怎么说呢? ………………190

小学生日常对话英语听力:林克妈妈的听力直通车:升级版:1 作者:


An expert in children’s English education, he has been engaged in high school and College English teaching and research, studied English teaching methods for more than 20 years, and served as the Editorial Committee of the third edition of Chinese English Dictionary of FLTRP. In 2007, because her daughter link, who was in the second grade of primary school, failed in English, link’s mother loved her daughter and devoted herself to studying and creating a set of children’s English learning methods that made parents worry less and children happy. With the improvement of English performance, link, a “poor student” who was once anxious and tired of learning, became cheerful and confident. Grades 5 and 6 were rated as three good students in Haidian District of Beijing for two consecutive years. Once the private children’s English textbook series of mother link was published, it was highly praised by the majority of students and parents. Her teaching materials are tailored for Chinese children, which has aroused great repercussions in the field of children’s English learning and set off a “new revolution” in children’s English education.
