
作者:葛世权 编著



定价: ¥9.0

兰亭序(葛世权 编著)-什么书值得看好书推荐

兰亭序 版权:

条形码:9787807025450 ; 978-7-80702-545-0

兰亭序 简介:


In order to carry forward the art of calligraphy and popularize calligraphy knowledge, we have edited this set of Chinese famous stele techniques for calligraphy lovers.
The preface to the Orchid Pavilion was written by Wang Xizhi of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. It is said that the authentic work was buried in the tomb as a burial object by Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty. It is said that this book is a dragon book. It is said that it is a paper book with double hook outline filled by Feng chengsu of the Tang Dynasty. It is running script. It has 28 lines, 24.5 cm wide and 69.9 cm long. The Palace Museum. The original title of this volume was “Tang Mo LAN Pavilion”. Because the volume has the small seal of the year of the divine dragon of the emperor Zhongzong of the Tang Dynasty, it is called “divine dragon book”. This post was collected by Guo Tianxi in the early Yuan Dynasty and Yang Shiqi in the Ming Dynasty. Later, it was owned by Wang Jichu and transferred to Bian in the British Yuan Dynasty. It was successively collected by Cao Rong and Ji Yuyong in the early Qing Dynasty and entered the inner house of Tibet during the Qianlong period.
