

作者:赵士林 著



定价: ¥29.0

美学十讲(赵士林 著)-什么书值得看好书推荐

美学十讲 版权:

条形码:9787010128054 ; 978-7-01-012805-4

美学十讲 特点:


Zhao Shilin, who is known as “cultural indignation against the old”, is praised by the public as “* Professor of Chinese Studies”. He shouted for the poor, chanted for the weak, commented on current politics, and talked about people. He never stopped talking. Readers are used to seeing his crazy image of “holding a three foot sword” and angry eyes. In fact, on the other side of him, he is soft, gentle, restrained and affectionate. Under his unrestrained and gorgeous appearance, there is an ethereal and beautiful soul. He observed and shaped the world he criticized with a beautiful mind. Beauty was extracted from all kinds of things like silkworms. Beauty is not only an artistic treasure, but also an attitude towards life, a deep and affectionate investment and the sublimation of life. Here, beauty is revived in an ordinary manner. A dead branch implies a period of history, a decaying grass hides cosmic news, a joke shows the truth of temperament, and counting plum blossoms shows the heart of heaven and earth. Between masculinity and softness, sublimity and humor, classicality and fashion, beauty is gorgeous, the world is full of interest, and people forget to return.

美学十讲 简介:

  本书是一种关于“美”的雅俗共赏的读物,意在让每个人都能懂得美、欣赏美、创造美,从而塑造一个人人都可以拥有的“美感世界”。 首先,作者通过生动明快的语言从分析生活的态度入手,要求人们暂时忘却因功利计较的烦恼而代之以“欣赏”的态度,因为生命的完满不在于“名”的隆盛和“利”的积累,而在于真、善、美的有机统一与完满和谐。其次,作者认为“欣赏”态度的获得需要自觉培育:一是主体要与审美对象之间保持一定的距离,即超越功利计较和实用世界拉开一个距离,把原来的实用世界变成一个观赏世界;二是“移情”的作用,美的获得需要主体包含情感的主观投射,美的生成是在主客体循环往复的相互塑造中成就的,“美”需要主体情感的一往而深。*后,本书具体讲述了美的各种形态,如阳刚之美和阴柔之美、中国的美和西方的美、古典的美和时尚的美、喜剧的美和悲剧的美以及酒与美的关系。作者讲课视频:

Material desire, sensual world, utilitarian pursuit, impetuous people. People’s values are broken, their faith and worship are confused, and they have lost their original heart. At this time, both the East and the West are calling for the return of the soul, and many books on life and spirituality in the West have sold well. In fact, western culture is turning to the East, seeking life spiritual wisdom from the ancient East, and Western science merges with Oriental spirituality. In recent years, China’s Sinology has sprung up. I also teach Sinology and Eastern and western philosophy at Peking University and Communication University of China. I also understand that many people are eager to explore the spirit of life. Let’s calm down, explore the origin of life, find a way to return to simplicity, and try to balance and harmony with fast modern life. The wisdom of the East for thousands of years is the indication: the harmonious coexistence between heaven and man, nature and man, society and man, and man to man. The theme of this book is that the harmony of the world and society lies in the harmony of the people. Let people learn in life, realize their original life, and raise their self-consciousness to the cosmic consciousness of the same whole life. Only with quiet heart and love can we truly live happily. Only with the balance and harmony of spirit and body can we integrate inside and outside, heaven and man.
This book, with the poetic style of American prose, aims to eliminate the boredom of stale preaching and academic discourse. It is a heart language derived from life experience and perception, and a dialogue between the mind and the soul. Let the friends who seek the road of the soul easily and poetically taste the non academic language, non concept and non doctrinal catchwords on the road, and let the whisper of life walk on the road of flowers and rain with a quiet heart.
This book is a popular reading about “beauty”, which aims to let everyone understand, appreciate and create beauty, so as to create a “aesthetic world” that everyone can have. Firstly, through vivid and lively language, the author starts with the analysis of the attitude of life, asking people to temporarily forget the troubles caused by utilitarian calculation and replace it with the attitude of “appreciation”, because the perfection of life lies not in the prosperity of “name” and the accumulation of “benefit”, but in the organic unity and perfect harmony of truth, goodness and beauty. Secondly, the author believes that the acquisition of “appreciation” attitude needs to be consciously cultivated: first, the subject should keep a certain distance from the aesthetic object, that is, surpass the utilitarian calculation and the practical world, and turn the original practical world into an ornamental world; The second is the role of “Empathy”. The acquisition of beauty requires the subjective projection of the subject including emotion. The generation of beauty is achieved in the circular mutual shaping of the subject and object. “Beauty” requires the deepening of the subject’s emotion* Later, this book describes various forms of beauty, such as masculine beauty and feminine beauty, Chinese beauty and Western beauty, classical beauty and fashion beauty, comedy beauty and tragedy beauty, and the relationship between wine and beauty. Author lecture video:

美学十讲 目录:

**讲  百年几见月当头
第二讲  人生境界真善美
第三讲  问世间情为何物
第四讲  十二珠帘夕照红
第五讲  英雄气伴儿女情
第六讲  笑天下可笑之人
第七讲  东涧水流西涧水(一)
第八讲  东涧水流西涧水(二)
第九讲  请君莫奏前朝曲第十讲  醉翁之意不在酒

美学十讲 作者:

赵士林,1954年生,吉林人。1982年吉林大学中文系文学学士,1984年北京大学哲学系哲学硕士(美学专业),1985年考入中国社会科学院研究生院,师从著名学者李泽厚教授,1988年获哲学博士学位(美学专业)。现任中央民族大学哲学与宗教学系教授、博士生导师,中国社会科学院研究员,美国哈佛大学高级访问学者,日本东京大学特邀研究员,美国(波士顿)美中文化研究所研究员,北京大学光华管理学院EMBA、北京大学高管研修班、北京大学国学百家讲堂特聘教授。兼任中华全国美学会理事。 主要著作有《国学六法》、《李泽厚思想》、《中国的思想》(译)、《当代中国美学研究概述》、《心学与美学》、《心灵学问》、《荀子》、《不识时务》、《交叉的视野》等。 赵士林教授学养深厚,见识颇高,加之讲课风格深入浅出、幽默风趣,本人不仅被评为北京市教学名师,而且在北京大学光华管理学院、北京大学高管研修班的授课均受到热烈欢迎。期间,赵士林在山东教育卫视主讲的《中国大智慧》、《国学六法》受到学界和观众的一致好评,尤其是《国学六法》引起较大反响,在山东教育卫视热播的同时,由江苏文艺出版社出版发行,目前销量已超过七万册。同时,由他主讲的视频公开课程“中国传统文化二十讲”在同类课程中点击率名列前茅。

Zhao Shilin, born in Jilin in 1954. In 1982, he received a Bachelor of Arts from the Chinese Department of Jilin University and a master of Philosophy (Aesthetics) from the Department of philosophy of Peking University in 1984. In 1985, he was admitted to the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences under the guidance of Professor Li Zehou, a famous scholar. In 1988, he received a doctor of Philosophy (Aesthetics). He is currently a professor and doctoral supervisor of the Department of philosophy and religion of Central University for nationalities, a researcher of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, a senior visiting scholar of Harvard University, a special researcher of the University of Tokyo, Japan, a researcher of the American Chinese Culture Institute in the United States (Boston), an EMBA of Guanghua School of management of Peking University, an executive seminar of Peking University, and a distinguished professor of the 100 lectures of Sinology of Peking University. He is also the director of the all China aesthetic society. His main works include six methods of Sinology, Li Zehou’s thought, Chinese thought (translation), overview of contemporary Chinese aesthetic research, psychology and aesthetics, spiritual knowledge, Xunzi, ignorance of current affairs, cross vision, etc. Professor Zhao Shilin has a deep education and high knowledge. In addition to his simple and humorous lecture style, I was not only rated as a famous teacher in Beijing, but also warmly welcomed in the Guanghua School of management of Peking University and the executive seminar of Peking University. During this period, Zhao Shilin’s great wisdom of China and the six methods of Sinology, which were delivered by Shandong Education Satellite TV, were highly praised by the academic circles and the audience. In particular, the six methods of Sinology caused great repercussions. While Shandong Education Satellite TV was popular, it was published and distributed by Jiangsu literature and Art Publishing House. At present, the sales volume has exceeded 70000 copies. At the same time, the video open course “20 lectures on Chinese traditional culture” taught by him has the highest click through rate among similar courses.
