


闻笛赋:指西晋向秀的《思旧赋》。三国曹魏末年,向秀的朋友嵇康 、吕安因不满司马氏篡权而被杀害。后来,向秀经过嵇康、吕安的旧居,听到邻人吹笛,不禁悲从中来,于是作《思旧赋》。 序文中说:自己经过嵇康旧居,因写此赋追念他。刘禹锡借用这个典故怀念已死去的王叔文、柳宗元等人。












中华活页文选(初三年级), Zhonghua Loose-leaf Collection, 2013年03期
郭锐. 《酬乐天扬州初逢席上见赠》赏析[J]. 现代家教 1995年05期
骆玉明. 纵然挫败 不失豪爽——谈刘禹锡《酬乐天扬州初逢席上见赠》[J]. 中学生阅读(初中版) 2007年06期
袁由启. 为霞尚满天——《酬乐天扬州初逢席上见赠》赏析[J]. 初中生必读 2005年10期
初中生必读, Required Reading for Junior Middle School Students, 2005年10期

Translation and notes
He was relegated to these desolate areas of Bashan and chushui, and spent 23 years of degradation.
I miss my old friends and recite the ode of Wendi in vain. When I come back from exile for a long time, I feel that it is not the old time.
Thousands of sailboats still pass by the overturned ships; In front of the withered trees, thousands of trees are thriving.
After listening to the poems you recited for me today, I’d like to take this glass of wine to cheer me up.
Reward: Thank you, reward. It means to answer with poems. Give a poem as a gift.
Rakuten: refers to Bai Juyi, the word Rakuten.
See gift: to (me).
Bashan chushui: refers to Sichuan, Hunan and Hubei. In ancient times, Eastern Sichuan belonged to Ba state, while northern Hunan and Hubei belonged to Chu state. After Liu Yuxi was demoted, he moved to Langzhou, Lianzhou, Kuizhou, Hezhou and other remote areas, where “Bashan chushui” is used to refer to these places.
Twenty three years: from 805, Liu Yuxi was demoted as the governor of Lianzhou, to 826, dongyingzhao. Because the demoted land is far away from Beijing, in fact, it will take 23 years to return to the capital.
Abandonment: refers to the relegated poet himself. Place: place. Abandonment: relegation (zh) é)。
Nostalgia: remembering old friends.
Chant: chant.
Wen Di Fu: refers to Xiangxiu’s “Ode to the past” in the Western Jin Dynasty. At the end of the Three Kingdoms period, Xiang Xiu’s friends Ji Kang and Lu an were killed because they were dissatisfied with Sima’s usurpation of power. Later, when Xiang Xiu passed through Ji Kang’s and Lu an’s old houses, he heard his neighbors playing the flute. He could not help but feel sad, so he wrote “Ode to the past”. The preface says: I passed through Ji Kang’s old house, because I wrote this Fu to remember him. Liu Yuxi used this allusion to remember the dead Wang Shuwen, Liu Zongyuan and others.
To: arrive.
It’s like: it’s like. Adverb, on the contrary.
Ranke people: refers to the Jin people Wang Zhi. It is said that Wang Zhi, a man of Jin Dynasty, went up the mountain to cut firewood. When he saw two boys playing chess, he stopped to watch. When the game is over, the handle of the axe is rotten. When I returned to the village, I realized that it had been 100 years. My contemporaries are dead. The author expresses his feelings about being demoted for 23 years. Liu Yuxi also uses this story to express the vicissitudes of the world, human affairs are not, and returning home in his old age feels like a world apart.
Sinking boat: This is the poet’s comparison between sinking boat and sick tree.
Flank: by the side.
Song one: refers to Bai Juyi’s “drunken gift to the twenty eighth envoy of Liu”.
Length (zh) ǎ Spirit: cheer up. Chang: grow and cheer up. ▲

Creative background
This poem was written in 826 A.D. in the second year of Baoli reign of emperor Jingzong of Tang Dynasty. Liu Yuxi and the governor of Zhou returned to Luoyang. At the same time, Bai Juyi returned to Luoyang from Suzhou. When they were in Yangzhou, Bai Juyi wrote a poem for Liu Yuxi at a banquet. Liu Yuxi wrote this poem in reply.
Liu Yuxi loved to play go when he was young, and he was very close to Wang Shuwen, who taught the prince of Tang Dezong to play chess. After the crown prince became emperor, his teacher Wang Shuwen formed a cabinet to take power, and promoted his chess friend Liu Yuxi to be the censor. Later, after the failure of Wang Shuwen group’s political reform, Liu Yuxi was demoted to other places and returned to Beijing in 826. In winter, he passed through Yangzhou and met Bai Juyi, who was also demoted. At the banquet, Bai Juyi wrote a poem “drunken gift to the twenty eighth envoy of Liu” as a gift: “lead me a cup of wine and drink, and beat the dish song with you. The poem says that the national hand is you, but you can’t help it. The scenery is long and lonely, and the official posts of Manchu Dynasty are wasted. I also know that it’s only when he is called a discount. There are too many discounts in 23 years. “ In the poem, Bai Juyi expresses sympathy and injustice for Liu Yuxi’s relegation. So Liu Yuxi wrote this song “reward happy days, meet at the banquet at the beginning of Yangzhou” as a gift to Bai Juyi. ▲

It shows his open mind to the changes of the world and the rise and fall of the official career. It shows the poet’s firm belief and optimistic spirit. At the same time, it also implies philosophy that new things will replace old things.
The first couplet of the poem shows the author’s extraordinary lyrical ability. Liu Yuxi was persecuted for his active participation in the political reform movement led by Wang Shuwen in Shunzong Dynasty. Under the joint counterattack of eunuch and vassal, Shunzong abdicated to Xianzong, Wang Shuwen was killed and Liu Yuxi was demoted. He was demoted to Langzhou (now Changde, Hunan), Lianzhou (now Lianxian, Guangdong), Kuizhou (now Fengjie, Chongqing) and Hezhou (now Hexian, Anhui). Langzhou was the land of Chu in the Warring States period, while Kuizhou belonged to Bajun in the Qin and Han Dynasties. The land of Chu was rich in water, and Bajun was rich in mountains. “Bashan chushui” generally refers to demoted land. Liu Yuxi didn’t tell the strong injustice of his innocence and being demoted for a long time. Instead, he made readers feel the poet’s long suppressed indignation and strong artistic appeal through the rendering of emotional words like “desolate place” and “abandoning oneself”.
Liu Yuxi used two allusions in the couplet of the poem. One is “Wen Di Fu”, which refers to Xiang Xiu’s “Si Jiu Fu” in the later period of Cao Wei. Xiang Xiu, Ji Kang and Lu’an are good friends. Ji Kang and Lu’an were killed by Sima’s family. When Xiang Xiu passed by their old house, he heard his neighbor playing the flute. His voice was “generous” and excited. Xiang Xiu sighed and wrote “Ode to the past” to express his nostalgia for Ji Kang and Lu’an. According to Shuyi Ji, Wang Zhi of Jin Dynasty went into the mountain to cut firewood and saw two boys playing chess. When he watched the game, he found that the “Ke” (the wooden handle of the axe) in his hand was rotten. When Wang Zhi went down the mountain and returned to the village, he realized that a hundred years had passed and that all the people of his time had died“ The sentence “nostalgia” expresses the poet’s mourning for his comrades in arms, such as Wang Shuwen, and the sentence “going to the countryside” expresses the poet’s sigh for the passage of time and the change of personnel. The allusion is appropriate and the emotion is deep“ “Xiang” refers to Luoyang. One is “county”, which refers to Yangzhou. Yangzhou was the seat of Huainan Jiedushi at that time, while Hezhou was subordinate to Huainan road.
In Bai Juyi’s poem, there are two sentences: “the scenery is long and lonely, and the official position of the Manchu Dynasty is wasted”. It means that all the people of the same generation have been promoted, and only you have wasted your time in a desolate place, which is quite unfair to Liu Yuxi. In this regard, Liu Yuxi wrote in his poem: “thousands of sails have sailed by the side of the sunken boat, and thousands of spring trees are in front of the diseased trees.” Liu Yuxi compared himself with sinking boat and sick tree. Although he felt melancholy, he was quite optimistic. On the side of the sunken boat, there are thousands of sails; In front of the diseased tree, all trees are in spring. On the contrary, he comforted Bai Juyi that he did not have to worry about his loneliness and delay. He showed an open-minded mind about the changes of the world and the rise and fall of official life. These two verses echo with Bai’s poem “life is too heavy to do anything” and “only when one knows how to get along with others” but their ideological level is higher than that of Bai’s poem and their significance is much more profound. Twenty three years of relegation did not make him depressed. As he wrote in another poem: “Mo Dao sang Yu late, for the Xia still full of the sky.” His sick tree still needs to rejuvenate and welcome the spring. Because these two poems are vivid, they are still often quoted and endowed with new meaning, indicating that new things will replace old things.
It is because the poem “sinking boat” suddenly vibrates, a change in front of the sentimental mood, the end of the couplet will follow the trend, wrote: “today to listen to your song, temporarily with a cup of wine long spirit.” This paper points out the meaning of answering Bai Juyi’s question. The poet didn’t go down in depression either. As soon as he changed his writing style, he comforted and encouraged each other. He didn’t completely lose faith in life. Although the feeling in the poem is deep, the feeling is not depressed, on the contrary, it is exciting.
In this poem, Liu Yuxi used a progressive technique. The first couplet, the first layer of the poem, first describes the experience of being innocent and being demoted for a long time, which sets the tone of indignation for the whole poem. Hanlian, the second layer of the poem, further deepens the indignation by mourning the injured comrades in arms and feeling as if he had gone back to his hometown. The neck couplet, the third layer of the poem, compares his downfall with the upsurge of the new rich, and the poet’s indignation reaches its climax. The final couplet, the fourth level of the poem, turns sharply, indicating that it is not passive and discouraged. It is necessary to be energetic and enterprising, rejoin life, and end with self encouragement. In depth, simple and profound. Liu Yuxi’s representative works are indignation but not shallow, emotion but not low, melancholy but not decadent. In this poem, Liu Yuxi’s life is in danger, and his indomitable perseverance gives great inspiration and encouragement to later generations, so he has been recited and praised from ancient to modern times. ▲

Reference summary:
Liang Shouzhong. Selected translations of Liu Yuxi’s poems and essays. Chengdu: Bashu publishing house, 1990:132-134
Liang Shouzhong. Selected translations of Liu Yuxi’s poems and essays. Chengdu: Bashu publishing house, 1990:132-134
Selected Chinese loose leaf articles (grade 3 of junior high school), Zhonghua loose leaf collection, No. 03, 2013
Guo Rui. Appreciation and analysis of “reward for happy days, first meeting at banquet in Yangzhou” [J]. Modern family education, 1995, issue 05
Luo Yuming. Be bold and forthright even if you are defeated – on Liu Yuxi’s “happy birthday, see you at the banquet at the beginning of Yangzhou” [J]. Reading for middle school students (junior high school edition), issue 06, 2007
Yuan Youqi. Appreciation of “the first time I see you at the banquet in Yangzhou” for the rosy clouds and the sky. Required reading for junior high school students, issue 10, 2005
Required reading for junior middle school students, issue 10, 2005